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1) Create & Record a Macro:
Learn to create and record a Macro as a first step towards learning Macros programming.
2) Macro Security:
Setting up your macro security settings correctly is essential to protect yourself against potential viruses.
3) Visual Basic Editor:
Learn how to launch the Visual Basic Editor and get the best configuration of the Project Explorer and the Code Window in your Excel Version.
4) Macro Comments:
Add macro comments to your Excel VBA code and your code will be easier to read as program size increases.
5) Macro Errors:
Dealing with VBA-errors can be quite a challenge. This chapter provides you with a simple tip to deal with these errors.
6) Debug Macros:
Before you execute your VBA-code you can first debug your macro. This way most of the errors can be corrected before you execute your code.
7) Objects, Properties and Methods:
In this chapter you will learn more about Excel VBA objects.
8) Workbook and Worksheet:
In this chapter you will learn more about the Excel VBA Workbook and Excel VBA Worksheet object.
9) Application Object:
The mother of all objects is Excel itself. We call it the Application object.
10) Variables:
Excel VBA uses variables just like any other programming language.
11) String Manipulation:
There are many functions in Excel VBA we can use to manipulate strings.
12) Calculate:
Calculate with Excel VBA and add, subtract, multiply and divide values just like you want.
13) If Then Statement:
In many situations you only want Excel VBA to execute certain code lines for a specific condition is met.
14) Cells:
Instead of the more common Range object we could also use Cells. Using Cells is particularly useful when we want to loop through ranges.
15) Loop:
Looping is one of the most powerful programming techniques.
16) Logical Operators:
Do you want to execute code in Excel Visual Basic when more conditions are met? Or just one? Or none?
17) Range & Events :
The Range object which is the representation of a cell (or cells) on your
18) Array:
An Excel VBA array is a group of variables.
19) Function and Sub:
The difference between a function and a sub in Excel VBA is that a function can return a value and a sub cannot.
20) Textbox, List Box, Combobox, Checkbox, Msgbox